Tuesday, September 24, 2013


He has a plan.
He can be trusted.

Lately King Solomon...
The Wisest man to ever live has been challenging my heart quite deeply.
These words ring especially important in my spirit...

"Know the importance of the season you are in...
And a wise son you will be."
Proverbs 10:5

The question I must ask myself...
Do I trust my God in every season of my life?
I mean... do I really believe He is working BIG...
In the small and unnoticeable moments of my days?
Do I really believe The Creator of The Heavens...
Knows my heart and has a plan for me?

Quite honestly...
I think I have spent many of my seasons...
Waiting for "THE SEASON" to arrive.
You know...
The "DEFINING season..."
The moment when I enter into what I was created for...
When my reality and destiny meet.

As I type this...
I feel sad for these mindsets...
As well as the ways I have improperly stewarded my  moments.

I feel like I am truly seeing for the first time...
How important each season is in regards to transformation.

Oh... how the enemy loves it when...
We believe the lie...
That the simple moments...
The hard moments...
The waiting moments...
Life in the unseen and ordinary places...
Are dormant seasons designed by God...
For us to live in the shadows...
Of what He is doing in a story more powerful...
And more worthy than our own.

I can't believe I have entertained such garbage.

I wonder how many love notes I have missed or overlooked...
Because my heart was preoccupied...
Waiting for something grander?

You must know...
My life is NOT glamorous.
Many days feel really raw and hard.
All too often I have found myself thinking...
"When am I going to do something that REALLY MATTERS?"
I see now... I was not reflecting the heart of a "wise son."

Oh how I long to SEE the value He sees in each of my moments.
I do not want to live in agreement with the lies of the enemy.
His whispers claiming that...
Because my moments "feel" mundane they can't be ministerial.
For in my life...
These are the secret places.
These are my private acts of worship.
This is wisdom.
To be faithful with the big and Smalls in my life.

To accomplish this mission...
To be wise and see the treasure in every season...
I will need supernatural assistance of Trinity proportions.
As a daughter of The King...
He has given me everything I need to have a posture of gratitude.
I can rest in the fact... 
He has a plan!
No task is unseen or insignificant in His eyes.

No matter the season...

There is ALWAYS fruit to be birthed...
Often starting with the smallest seed...
Adding the sweetest adornments...
To our stories.
Bearing sustenance that will surely feed others if we allow.
With truth comes clarity.
Each season...
Is simply that...
A season.
It will come and go like a blink.
And, though many are laced with hardship...
I want to see through the lens of wisdom.

Never forgetting... 

He has a plan.

May I be a woman...
Forever found falling in love with her moments.


  1. Thank you, Kelly. This hits home. Hard.

  2. Great writing! I loved reading it. It reminds of the truth written by Jerry Sittser in The Will of God as a Way of Life.
