Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The biggest secret that is being whispered into me as of late...
Has wrecked all former mindsets...
Regarding brotherly love.

Developing a sacrificial love life...
Esteeming the lives of others above my own...
A much harder lesson that I would've thought...
Especially as it appears that I also have 36 years of UNLEARNING to do.

This is not an easy task.
Not for me, anyway.
As I have spent most of my days believing that I should fight hard...
For my seat of significance.
Appearing innocent while...
Crushing others...
So I might occupy "the throne" of my desires. 
Laying down my dreams...
The spirit of jealousy...
In order to help another's dream come true....
I am embarrassed to say...
Is quite difficult.
This level of honor is not something I have mastered.

Learning to be clothed in royal humility.
It feels a bit like wearing fancy garments that don't quite fit.
No matter the comfort...
I have seen what comes alive as I choose to call out the nobility in another.
When I dress to celebrate their growing story.
As I use my hands to bless...
It often feels a bit awkward...
For me...
And often the recipient.
Both parties equally struggling with this love exchange.

But worship is best displayed...
As we mimic The Son...
Using all our strength...
To lay down our "entitlements" for the sake of another...
Seemingly everywhere I turn...
An opportunity awaits...
To enter into the arena of another's dreams.
The question is...
Will I push my own desires...
Or get behind and launch the heart cries of those I love?
Listening for whispers is costly...
It means stillness and intentionality,
Two other areas I am learning more about.
Carrying out the message...
Means a comfortable part of me must be re-shaped...
Sculpted into something new.

Love and honor...
In the moment doesn't feel dreamy...
But... as we come beside one another...
Make space for the whispers...
We see that all of our stories are intertwined...
And that the victory in the story of a brother...
Because it speaks of God's heart and goodness...
Is really a victory for me as well.

Love and stillness do not always come easy.
So as He whispers I listen hard.
I enter in and PRAY.
 I choose to honor...
Not because it gets me extra credit with God...
But because it makes me more like Him.
And more than anything...
I want to know Him in such I way...
That with each and every whisper...
I look more and more like Him.

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