Friday, May 31, 2013

love offering...

I wonder how many times...
I have missed opportunity?
How many times have I kept my hands from offering...
Because they themselves were still in process of learning?

Far too much of life is spent...
Feeling inadequate...
When did we start believing the lie that if mastery hasn't manifested...
That it must be up to someone else to meet the needs of others?

Our hands...
May be prone to fumbling in the learning...
Great works often remain dormant...
Simply because we are unwilling to practice in ways that reveal we too are still...
Learning ones.

Most times...
I find it's less about mastery...
And more about the mystery that lies hidden in community.
The art of a life that chooses to take a knee to "expertise..."
So value for another's story might trump the weaknesses in our own.
Just the willingness to enter in...
Can be the greatest miracle-gift for a heart that is longing.

I have much to learn from 5 year old princes that aren't afraid to offer...
Right in the middle of learning.
With all eyes watching...
The recipient impatiently waiting...
He offers.

He risks failure...
He struggles.
He does not quit in the midst of frustration.

It's not tidy...
Time efficient...
Nor "perfect."
But never does he apologize for his lack.
He simply enters into the need...
With a knowing that he can offer what he has.

I am certain more miracles would break out...
If in our learning we risked offering that which we felt "unqualified" to do.

One button at a time...
Our hands would help push the Kingdom a little closer into view.
With each new day...
I am growing more and more ok with the exposure of not being an expert.
Nakedness doesn't always have to be shameful...
Especially when we remember that as Sons and Daughters...
It is Him that clothes us.

Love offerings aren't just for pastoral rock stars...
They are for everyday mommies like me.
I wonder how many soldiers would be better dressed for the daily battles...
If I would put aside my fear and simply be ok with offering me...
No matter what that may look like.

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